After much negotiation and interaction with AOC, new legislation was passed during the 2015 session that will impact you as individual bail agents. Beginning August 5, 2015 all bail bondsmen have Free access to ACIS and VCAP after an initial $200 fee for your password and log-on and signing a user agreement with AOC. You will also need the software to make the application work. NCBAA negotiated with Ericom to provide this software at a huge discount. The software will cost you $40 with an optional $6 per year support.

Steps to Get ASIS & VCAP

  1. Access the AOC-A-156 security approval/agreement form from NCAOC’s website (Link below).
  2. Either completely fill out the form online, using Adobe Reader, then print it, OR print the form and completely fill it out. Sign and date the form at the bottom of Side One.
  3. Obtain a cashier’s check for $200, made out to the “N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts.”
  4. Mail the completed and signed AOC-A-156 form and the cashier’s check to the following:

N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts Financial Services Division – BB
P.O. Box 2448
Raleigh, NC 27602

  1. Purchase SSL-enabled TN3270 client software from an outside vendor to install on your workstation.NCBAA negotiated with Ericom to offer this software at a huge discount. The software will cost you $40 with an optional $6 per year support fee. The optional $6 annual support fee does cover upgrades and support. The system routinely experiences upgrades which are required to function. If you choose to opt out of the $6 support fee, you will not be eligible for upgrades. 
  1. You will receive an email notification for NCAOC with your user ID and initial password. Follow their steps to log-in and begin using ACIS.

Questions about instructions should be directed to NCAOC’s Access Administration team at (919) 890-2221 or



  1. Click to open your secured software, a connection setting should pop up. Ensure your terminal, host, and security settings are configured as provided by NCAOC. (This setting will be saved after your initial sign-on.) 
  1. Click connect. A NC State map should display. If the map is not displayed, there is an error within your configuration.
  2. On the NC map screen, type “cicscrp” and hit enter. Then hit enter until you are taken to a blank screen.
  1. On the blank screen, type “cesn” and hit enter.
  1. Type in your User ID, hit enter, type in your password and then hit enter again until you reach a blank screen.
  1. On the blank screen, type in “acis” and hit enter.
  1. Type in your password, the county code, and hit enter. Once you type in your password, your curser will automatically move to the county code box. County codes can be found on the next page.

You are now in ACIS


  1. Click to open your secured software, a connection setting should pop up. Ensure your terminal, host, and security settings are configured as provided by NCAOC. (This setting will be saved after your initial sign-on.)

  1. Click connect. A NC State map should display. If the map is not displayed, there is an error within your configuration.

  1. On the NC map screen, type “vcap” and hit enter. Then hit enter until you are taken to a blank screen.

  1. On the blank, type “cesn” and hit enter.

  1. Type in your User ID, hit enter, type in your password and then hit enter again until you reach another blank screen.

  1. On the blank screen, type in “vcap” and hit enter.

  1. Type in your password, hit enter.

You are now in VCAP